What is Boodskap
This guide will help you get started with Boodskap Platform. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!
Boodskap is an IoT software platform that helps to build and deploy a solution very quickly and robustly. A vast majority of commonly required software components are already prepackaged and exposed as API as well as reusable components, taking leverage of these components anyone can develop an end-to-end solution that can be hosted on a cloud platform of your choice or even set it up in premise. Resulting a low-code / no-code solution. Custom software libraries/code can be built by extending the Boodskap API SDK or bringing in your code and import into the platform runtime rules engine or workflow processes.
Getting Started Videos
Most IoT implementations requires a deep understanding about functional elements of various sub systems. Delivering a software with highest quality and easy salability is a challenge with the available skillsets in the market. Device connectivity, broader protocol support for pushing/polling sensor messages, storage and search for larger quantity of incoming messages, ability to perform various tasks on each incoming message at the real time, maintaining all the software and services, installation / commissioning the databases, servers, etc. will soon become a mountain of challenge when you start delivering a variety of industry solutions.
Boodskap eliminates about 60% of the traditional software development setup and operational cost by providing a core platform service which is 100% horizontal in nature and it can accommodate any kind of data/sensor/device/storage requirements. Interoperable is one of the key requirement in most IoT systems, ability to interface with multiple software and consuming a variety of software as a service platforms, import / export the data are very common, well, today’s modern software languages has all the ability to do such things, but why would you want to reinvent the wheel time and again for each implementation
Boodskap platform and the API services are 100% written using Java language. The UI/UX components are built using various AJAX web technologies and that runs on a Node.js engine. The entire admin console is open sourced and you are welcome to extend and use it. The platform can be extended using 30+ languages of your choice

Important capabilities of an IoT platform
Application development: Users can develop and deploy IoT applications that are compatible with devices compatible with the IoT platform.
Data management at scale: With the increasing number of sensors and devices, collected data and the complexity of IoT projects increase. An IoT platform helps businesses manage data at scale.
Analytics: An IoT platform can have analytics capabilities such as rule engines, event stream processing, machine learning, and data visualization. It can support the analysis of data either at the edge or in the cloud to generate actionable insights.
Interoperability & integration: A platform can provide communication with different types of devices (sensors, cameras, wearables, etc.) so that their data can be transmitted to the cloud correctly.
Device Management: IoT platforms enable users to track, monitor, and manage physical IoT devices. Effective device management is important for the connectivity and security of IoT devices.
Security: Organizations can ensure the security of data within the IoT system by relying on the features of an IoT platform.
Multi cloud support, private cloud support, onpremise installation
Different kinds of IoT platforms
Hardware development platforms provide physical development boards for creating IoT devices, including microcontrollers, microprocessors, Systems on Chip (SoC), Systems on Module (SoM).
App development platforms serve as an integrated development environment (IDE) with tools and features for coding applications.
Connectivity platforms provide communication technologies to connect physical objects with the data center (on-premise or cloud) and transmit information between them. Among popular connectivity protocols and standards for the Internet of Things are MQTT, DDS, AMQP, Bluetooth, ZigBee, WiFi, Cellular, LoRaWAN and more.
Analytics platforms use intelligent algorithms to analyze collected information and transform it into actionable insights for customers.
End-to-End IoT platforms cover all aspects of IoT products, from development and connectivity to data management and visualization.
Boodskap is an End-to-End IoT platform
Few IoT Platforms in the Industry
- IBM Watson IoT Platform https://www.ibm.com/cloud/internet-of-things
- Cisco https://www.cisco.com/c/en_in/solutions/internet-of-things/overview.html
- Particle https://www.particle.io/what-is-particle/
- AWS IoT Core https://aws.amazon.com/iot-core/
- Google Cloud IoT Core https://cloud.google.com/iot-core/
- ThingWorx Industrial IOT Platform https://www.ptc.com/en/products/thingworx
- Azure IoT Central https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/iot-central/
- Predix https://www.ge.com/digital/iiot-platform
- Fogwing IIoT Platform https://www.fogwing.io/
- Axonize https://axonize.com/platform/
- Blynk IoT platform https://blynk.io/
- SAP Leonardo Internet of Things https://en.t-h.de/portfolio/sap-leonardo/sap-leonardo-iot
- AWS IoT Things Graph https://aws.amazon.com/iot-things-graph/
- Upswift.io https://www.upswift.io/
- Ayla IoT Platform https://www.aylanetworks.com/products
- Balena https://www.balena.io/what-is-balena/
- BalenaCloud https://www.balena.io/cloud/
- C2M Connect https://www.c2m.net/
- Ubidots https://ubidots.com/platform/
- Advantech WebAccess/SCADA https://www.advantech.com/industrial-automation/webaccess/webaccessscada
- Afero https://www.afero.io/
- Akenza https://akenza.io/
- Atman IoT https://atman-iot.com/
- Bevywise IoT Platform https://www.bevywise.com/iot-platform/
- Comarch IoT Platform https://www.comarch.com/iot-ecosystem/iot-platform/
- Conrad Connect Professional https://conradconnect.com/en
- Digital Twin Intelligent Automation Platform https://www.netobjex.com/
- EagleIO https://eagle.io/
- Enlightened IoT System https://www.enlightedinc.com/system-and-solutions/iot-system/
- Evothings https://evothings.com/pricing/
- FIN https://www.j2inn.com/
- Gaonic Industrial IoT Central https://www.gaonic.com/#iotPlatform
- IGZY https://igzy.com/
- InfoGrid https://www.infogrid.io/
- Iobot https://www.iobot.in/
- IoTConnect https://www.iotconnect.io/enterprise-IoT-platform.html
- IoT Glue https://www.torryharris.com/products/iot-glue-integration-platform
- IoT-Ignite https://www.ardictech.com/iot-ignite
- IoTSense https://iotsense.io/
- IXON Cloud https://www.ixon.cloud/iiot-platform
- Kii https://en.kii.com/platform/
- Kloudq Technologies https://kloudq.com/
- Kosmos IoT https://temboo.com/platform
- Lhings https://lhings.com/index.html
- Losant https://www.losant.com/iot-platform
- Mender https://mender.io/
- Murano https://www.exosite.com/murano-iot-platform
- myDevices Cayenne https://developers.mydevices.com/cayenne/features/
- nio https://niolabs.com/product/system-designer
- OpenRemote https://openremote.io/
- OpSense https://www.opsense.com/iot-platform/
- Particle IoT Rules Engine https://community.particle.io/t/particle-s-rules-engine-is-now-open-source-and-available-to-all/58960
- Prescient Designer https://www.prescientdevices.com/en-us/prescient-designer
- Prodea https://prodea.com/iot-services-platform/
- qiio https://qiio.com/
- Rayven https://www.rayven.io/iot-platform/
- Scaleway Iot Hub https://www.scaleway.com/en/iot-hub/
- SeeMyMachines https://seemymachines.com/
- Sirqul Magellan https://corp.sirqul.com/iot-solutions/iot_development/
- SiteWhere https://sitewhere.io/en/
- Smart-M https://mer-group.com/pro/smart-m/
- SysSCRIPT IoT Scripting https://ww2.systech.com/sysscript-iot-software
- thethings.iO https://thethings.io/
- ThingLogix Platform https://www.thinglogix.com/#platform-section
- Thingsup https://thingsup.io/
- Verisium https://www.verisium.com/
- WebNMS https://www.webnms.com/iot/unified-webnms-iot-platform.html
Updated over 3 years ago