
Three simple flows above the surface and the entire complexity is hidden and encapsulated behind the scene. Your IoT/M2M devices can publish data to the platform through different protocols of your choice. Once the data is injected to the platform, you could perform a variety of operations as you normally would do through your customer application development.
Boodskap platform is a complete IoT infrastructure where you can plug and play any kind of hardware / sensors into its message gateways to start processing the messages into the system.
Wide variety of industry standard wireless protocols like MQTT, UDP, HTTP(REST), TCP, FTP, TFTP, are supported. The integration is made very simple and painless, no software programming is required, you just have to configure the device endpoints in the system and start receiving different kinds of sensor data.
Reverse communication to the devices from the platform is made very simple, you could simply send/broadcast any kind of data to the remote device with one single API call, the platform will take care of when and where and which channel (MQTT, UDP, GCM/FCM, APN, etc,,,) to communicate to the device automatically.
- Inject / Push messages to the platform using the below protocols (channels)
- CoAP
- Process the incoming messages in the rules engine
- Every incoming messages are stored in a big data table as raw data for computation
- You can define a set of rules (groovy scripts) in the platform which can be automatically invoked when a new messages arrives
Output / Visualization
- Drag & Drop and build stunning mobile applications and web dashboards
- Create mass alert and notifications through
- SMS, Email, Voice Call, FCM (push messages)
- Send messages to remotely residing devices using various protocols
- Route the data to third party services
- Integrate with your existing IT infrastructure and more more..

Sample Dashboard

Updated over 4 years ago