Event Context
Event API gives you a simple all in one interface for sending alerts and notifications through Email, SMS, Voice Message and FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
Register one or move subscribers for an event and just fire the event from your rules
Context Variable: event
API Interface
//Get the event object {id, name, content, subject}
Event get(long eventId);
//Register a list of addresses to receive event notifications
One of the Channel must be used (EMAIL, SMS, VOICE, FCM)
void register(int eventId, String channel, String... addresses);
//Register one or more address to receive event notifications
One of the Channel must be used (EMAIL, SMS, VOICE, FCM)
void register(int eventId, String channel, String... addresses);
//Raising an event will automatically trigger the notifications to the registered addresses
through apropriate channels (SMS, VOICE, Email, FCM)
void raise(int eventId);
//Raising an event by optionally overriding subject template
void raise(int eventId, Map<String, Object> subject);
//Raising an event by optionally overriding subject and content template
void raise(int eventId, Map<String, Object> subject, Map<String, Object> content);
//Drop an Event
void drop(int eventId);
//Unregister a list of addresses from a Event
void unregister(long eventId, String channel, List<String> addresses);
//Unregister one ore more address from a Event
void unregister(int eventId, String channel, String... addresses);
//Create/Update an Event
void define(int id, String name, String subject, String content);
APIs Inherited From
Related REST APIs
Create / Update Event
Retrieve Event
Delete Event
Count All Events
Delete all Events
List Events
Search Events
Register Event
List Event Registrations
Unregister Event
Unregister Event By ID
Unregister Event By Channel
Count All Registrations
Count All Event Registrations for ID
Count All Event Registrations for Channel
Search Event Registrations
Updated over 3 years ago