Workflow Context
Manage workflows from rules engine
- Context Variable: workflow
API Interface
//Start a workflow with the given instance id andinput data
String start(String workFlowId, String instanceId, Map<String, Object> input);
//Start a workflow with the given input data and metadata
String start(String workFlowId, Map<String, Object> input, Map<String, Object> meta);
//Start a workflow with the given instance id, input data and metadata
String start(String workFlowId, String instanceId, Map<String, Object> input, Map<String, Object> meta);
//Start a workflow with the given input data
String start(String workFlowId, Map<String, Object> input);
//resume a paused workflow instance step
void resume(String instanceId, String stepId);
//resume a paused workflow instance force re-running the steps
void resume(String instanceId, boolean force, Map<String, Object> session);
//resume a paused workflow instance force re-running the steps
void resume(String instanceId, boolean force);
//resume a paused workflow instance
void resume(String instanceId, Map<String, Object> session);
//resume a paused workflow instance step
void resume(String instanceId, String stepId, Map<String, Object> session);
//resume a paused workflow instance step force re-running it
void resume(String instanceId, String stepId, boolean force, Map<String, Object> session);
//resume a paused workflow instance step force re-running it
void resume(String instanceId, String stepId, boolean force);
//resume a paused workflow instance
void resume(String instanceId);
//stop an active workflow instance
void stop(String instanceId);
//Replace the input of an active workflow instance
void setInput(String workFlowInstanceId, Map<String, Object> input);
//Merge the input of an active workflow instance
void updateInput(String workFlowInstanceId, Map<String, Object> input);
//Replace the meta of an active workflow instance
void setMeta(String workFlowInstanceId, Map<String, Object> input);
//Merge the meta of an active workflow instance
void updateMeta(String workFlowInstanceId, Map<String, Object> input);
//set a tag name for the newly created workflow instances
void setTag(String tag);
//terminate an active workflow instance
void terminate(String instanceId);
//pause a running workflow instance
void pause(String instanceId);
Related Context APIs
Updated over 3 years ago