OS File Context
Handle operating system files in rules engine
Context Variable: file
Only applicable to
API Interface
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
String getName();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
long length();
//Handle to java/groovy DataInputStream
DataInputStream stream();
//Loads the entire content of the file
byte[] data();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
String getParent();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
boolean delete();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
boolean canRead();
//Opens the file for writing
FileOutputStream open();
//Opens the file for reading/writing
RandomAccessFile open(String mode);
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
String getAbsolutePath();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
boolean exists();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
boolean canWrite();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
long lastModified();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
void deleteOnExit();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
boolean canExecute();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
long getTotalSpace();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
long getFreeSpace();
//Delegated method from java/groovy File
long getUsableSpace();
//Handle to an iterator(String), bufferSize for max data size for each iteration
Iterator<byte[]> iterate(int buffSize);
//Handle to an iterator(String)
Iterator<String> iterate();
//Move and rename this file to a shared domain folder
OSFile moveTo(String path, String fileName);
//Move this file to a shared domain folder
OSFile moveTo(String path);
//Converts the file content to map data structure
Map<String, Object> asMap();
//Converts the file content to String
String asString();
//Copy and rename this file to a shared domain folder
OSFile copyTo(String path, String fileName);
//Copy this file to a shared domain folder
OSFile copyTo(String path);
See Aso
Updated over 3 years ago