Rules Engine
Rules engine is the central processing unit of the platform, once you have managed to setup your IoT devices to report to the platform, the next thing you may want to do is to process the incoming messages for further business processing. This can be easily done using bunch of groovy script called as rules, these rules will reside inside the platform’s execution environment and gets invoked whenever new messages are received.
The rules can not only be invoked by the platform automatically, you may call these rules externally using the REST API. Every kind of rule you write into the platform comes with a set of default context objects which you can take leverage to interact with the platform internal components at runtime. The rules are classified into 6 different categories as followed.
Rules engine is a true parallel processing paradigm, if your environment has multiple nodes(machines) and multiple CPU (cores), rules engine will take advantage of them and distribute the load across the machines and cores which gives you a powerful environment to parallel compute your machine data in real time.
Platform support inter process communication and data sharing between your rule scripts in a lot of different ways, take a look at the different kinds of rules to understand them better.
Updated almost 5 years ago