DB Context
Handle to your external database connection. If you ever wanted to store and access data outside the platform's default big-data storage, you can bring your own JDBC / ODBC complaint database and access through your rules
Context Variable: db
API Interface
//Execute using sql prepared statement, true if the first result is a ResultSet object; false if the first result is an update count or there is no result
boolean execute(String poolId, String sql, List<Object> values);
//Execute a SQL query and return results
Map<String, Object> execute(String poolId, String query);
//Execute a stored SQL template and return results
Map<String, Object> execute(String poolId, String tempateId, Map<String, Object> args);
//Insert a record into a table
Integer insert(String poolId, String table, Map<String, Object> data);
//Insert/Update/Delete using sql prepared statement
Integer upsert(String poolId, String sql, List<Object> values);
APIs Inherited
Updated over 3 years ago